Friday 25 March 2005

March 21

Full of grand plans today but Shane is sick so we laze about watching Family Guy on DVD until he has to go to work. I find out the job I was going to apply for at the hospital the boys work at has had its applications closed before I even arrived so I feel like I'm back at square one (despite never having actually moved from it in the first place). Shane heads to work and I head to the grocery store (Sainsburys) which is an experience in itself. I don't think I've ever seen so much alcohol in one place and its open 24 hours. A lot of the stuff is the same but the range of products and brands is quite different from Australia. Still finding it a little odd that you need to pack your own grocery bags. What the hell are we paying these people for!

Shane gets sent home from work and meets me in the store so my shopping experience gets hurried along (because as some of you will know, I tend to take my time when it comes to grocery shopping - specially in a whole new country). On the way home I admire the old black cabs (still working on finding out what kind of cars they are but they're very cool). Then I head off to the netcafe (which to both my horror and delight is only 20 steps away and costs £1 per hour) to look for a job, which is seemingly more difficult than I imagined.

Afterwards we take a stroll up the street to get some dinner and videos and I realise exactly how many things are literally within 5 mins walk away. Every bank I've been told about plus Nandos, Subway, McDs, KFC, Burger Kind (none of which I plan on eating anytime soon) as well as a quaint old pizza place and about 50 other handy things. Intend to explore all this a little more when I'm not so tired.


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