Thursday 29 September 2005

I can't remember

Hi crazy folks! I just came home from reading your comments on my blog and I feel so very happy I thought I'd write some more. Personal emails soon! I promise! I should really be cooking cos dinner takes an hour to bake but I need to let my sink drain first (yes, my sink no longer drains!) so I can wash up. Thrilling stuff.

I have good news! I am going to Turkey in 17 days for 2 weeks to hang out with Wes, bask in the sun by our beach huts and do much needed shopping at the Grand Bazaar. How exciting does a bazaar sound! Although I've been planning it for about 3 months I was seriously out of cash, and as mentioned before, no bastard in England would give me any. However I rang my Aussie bank and they said 'sure we'll give you 3k right now!' I was so excited I jumped around my room. Actually, I lay on my bed reading a book THINKING about jumping around my room but the floor creaks so bas I didn't want to disturb the neighbours. I can finally buy clothes and see bands! Up until now I just about cry every week over the calibre of bands that tour here and never being able to go. Although I probably still won't as I'm a bit of a sook when it comes to seeing bands by myself.

I suppose I should say a few things about the cricket (although it's very belated now). Actually, you know what, I've spent so much time watching it lately (that and the Grand Prix, YAY Renault!), even sneaking down to the cafeteria when I was supposed to be working, partly because I was very much into it and partly due to my minor crush on Brett Lee, that I'm just far too exhausted to discuss the results ANY MORE. Blame it on the rain...

Thanks for the fire alarm assistance. I recently discovered it has a hush button that indeed does disarm it for 15 mins. I think it's plugged into the mains so the battery solution unfortunately won't help. I've been thinking about buying a laptop but I have to pay £75 just to get a phone line put in. Anyway, I'm not going to start whinging about all the new things wrong with this place and focus on how bloody brilliant it is that it's across the road from work.

Well I best go as I have important things to do like circle what to watchon TV tonight and read two books before I have to take them back to the library tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay hush button

but brett lee?!?!?! ewwwwwww!

10:25 pm

Blogger Starlsy said...

He's awesome. Shuddup :p

3:57 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, awesomely rodent like!

6:48 pm


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