Tuesday 16 August 2005

Sunday 7th August

Hmm, so neglected of late. I blame this on being heavily back in reading phase, in stark denial of my circumstances and with so little to report. In illustration, about the most exciting thing to happen to me of late is that I've managed to grow one of my fingernails and its getting quite long. I'm now trying to work on a second one but am thus far met with failure. See...boring.

Other than that there are only a handful of noteable things from the past month or so that have piqued my interest...

Seeing a large puddle of blood, with no victim and two guys arguing over who was to clean it up at one of the tube stations in peak hour was one. The next day I was fervently scouring the newspaper to find out what happened and was told it was probably just another stabbing and it would hardly make the paper. How lovely.

Got to serve Davina, the English Big Brother's version of Gretel but 100 times better in everyway. I was so surprised as I did not expect to look up and see her but oddly I liked her instantly. She's also in a show with Dexter Fletcher at the moment. Six degrees...

Last weekend I attended the work ball and had my hair done very fancily by one of my colleagues. It was at the best event venue I've ever seen but was relatively boring all in all. Those who know me well will know there's much more to this story but I don't particularly care to elaborate.

What else, what else. Oh, I got an email from a job I applied for over two months ago asking if I was still interested. I wonder if she emailed a bunch of people or just me. Anyway, shall soon find out I wager. (Note from future self - she never called.)

Am particularly despising work at the moment cos I keep getting in trouble for stuff that wasn't my fault. (Customer service is the shittest thing.) Plus they are trying to rotate me around different jobs which I thought I'd like but am finding quite the opposite. Anyway, I know it sounds crazy but I can feel a change in the air so we shall see.

Other than that, I have no freak stories to report, am becoming extremely frustrated at never being able to find the time to see more of London, have become horribly reclusive and am the poorest I've ever been, budgetting every penny I spend.

I've decided to live vicariously through you for a bit. Hope that's okay.


Blogger Starlsy said...

Do you even need to ask? ;)

3:29 am


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