Saturday 9 July 2005

Friday 24 July

Some old guy with an eye patch on the bus this afternoon proposed to me. He said I'd have everything I wanted, would clothe me in the best Parisian clothes, give me a horse and I could travel all over the world. It was quite strange. But being as I am, immersed in romantic novels from the 1800s, I'd be a liar if I said I didn't consider it for a brief moment but seriously, if he were truly rich and successful, why was he riding the bus and living in a flat? The mind boggles.

Anyway! To other matters! Last night I caught up with Catriona and Neal which was lovely. We had a short moment sipping beers in a university styled grassy area which was strange and I never quite got to the bottom of what that place was all about. Then we moved onto a Vietnamese restuarant with about 10 other assorted people, including Simon (who I lived with at uni res) and Paul. I was a little envious and intimidated by how successful everyoneat the table was but I can't do much about my own situation as evidenced by past experience. We then moved on to a bar decorated in Sin City style where we met up with Sandy and Chris Brammer who I also used to live at res with. Was most exciting as I had no idea they were living here and it turns out there's also a number of other people from res living in London. Had a rather good evening all round but luckily left just when I should have saving myself hangover pain at work today. It appears I may be learning...

This weekend I have a day of house hunting which I'm praying turns out well and another Comics Convention to attend. Hooray. The strange kitchen boy from work has been trying to coerce me in his broken English to meet up with him but I've since found out from Shane he's a 'complete dickhead'.

Interesting point about work...I've been told by a few people how young I look (big surprise) but one chick admitted she didn't speak to me for 3 weeks because she thought I was on work experience and another started asking me what I'd studied assuming I'd just finished uni. I'm wondering if this says more about my actions than the fact I look young. Not that I care in the slightest.

Very little else to report beyond the viewing of one of my two favourite TV events of the year, the MTV movie awards.

Oh, I was also going to mention the random snigger dog drug tests that have been going on at the Tube stations this week. Seems a bit unfair to me as I saw a few people get busted.

Latest hospital celeb - George Michael. Do you reckon I could get in trouble for listing all these people on here?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've gotta watch those snigger dogs - they're always smirking!! :)

8:53 pm

Blogger Starlsy said...

Haw Haw.

4:33 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh snigger donkeys now! :)

3:19 pm


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