Wednesday 8 June 2005

Thursday 2nd June

Shops, shops. Oh, did I mention I haven't changed rooms yet? I haven't seen the guy for days and am wondering why he hasn't been demanding rent yet. Mysterious.

Anyway on the way to work some random decided to have-a-chat and he seemed harmless and told me I looked like a nurse. Heh. Turns out he'd just been to the Broadcast Show, being employed in Broadcasting and told me if I stopped by on Friday to meet him (he never said where or when though).

Another 30 seconds later I was slapping myself for not milking that contact (don't be filthy and interpret that as innuendo).

Another day of boredom with the highlight being getting to do some filing for an hour (God Forbid). I've decided to continue looking for video work which is about the only reason I can make it through the day in the hope it's only temporary. I've even been practising my resignation speech. I know that sounds horrible.

Tried to call this other chick who had been talking to me about a runner / editor position but found out she's on holidays so I hope this is the reason she hasn't called.

Shit, gotta run.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya good to see your out and about! I hope your jobs not so boring anymore... hows it been going?
I finally got my new phone...and well it rocks haha...ive got 303 emulators and samplers, midi editors for it...even sim city 2000. The net features are cool (using it now) and the handwriting recognition impressive. Anyway was worth the wait and lots of fun (and useful). I got lots of other news but ill tell you someother time. I hope your going well! Take care and have fun!!!!!!

11:14 am

Blogger Starlsy said...

You're a geek man.

10:01 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course..its loads of fun anyway. Sorry for my self indulgence ;) The other day i swapped units with Doris.. so i can be louder which is all sweet cept for the dismal water saving showerhead. I got a new digital mixer and my midi drums and thats been inspiring and fun. Also saw star wars the other day through slightly overbearing peer pressure. Simplistic and action oriented it was mildly enjoyable and entertained me more than the other 2 new ones. How have you been? Good luck Hayley !!

12:54 pm


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