Thursday 26 May 2005

Sunday 22nd May

Well I suppose I should write something about today as it was my birthday. I intended to get out and do something but as Shane was working and finishing at an odd hour I had to be home to let him in which interrupted my plans. So I dyed my hair in some form of denial and then read most of the day. I was reading The Master and Margarita which is my all time favourite book so I don't consider it a total loss.

I have this awful habit of my lists of anything in my head as I totally stress out if my imaginary obligations aren't organised. Each list becomes abotu 10 others and it get can totally out of control, even though I'm well aware that the minute you step out of the house you're at the world's whim and no matter how much of a control freak you are things will inevitably fall to pieces. Anyway, I mention this as I did not want to be bothered by my neurotic tendencies on my birthday so I spent the day before and after indulging my list making habits and doing my tedious chores.

I had icecream for breakfast (Ben & Jerrs because I keep hearing all these references to it) and then for dinner bought a bottle of wine to have with an excellent takeaway curry and then stuffed myself with a bunch of other crap. I think Shane thought I was a little weird as he didn't remember it was my birthday and I couldn't be bothered telling him.

Anyway, needless to say crappest birthday ever. Thank you to my parents and the one (now three) people who remembered.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remembered. And thought of you. Just cuz you didn't hear from me doesn't mean I didn't remember. But that doesn't excuse me for being a bad friend. Sorry it was a crap day for you hon. Much love.

12:01 pm


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