Saturday 21 May 2005

Wednesday 18th May

It's come to the point where I've decided to discontinue recounting my day to day life and I shall now only share my thoughts for the day or instances that are out of the ordinary. If anyone was actually enjoying this, I'll summarise as follows:

Wake up
Go to computer lab (apply for 100 jobs)
Variation of either a. washing b. grocery shopping c. library
Random comment on the nature of people who work in these places
Wash up (accompanied by some dodgy 'contemporary soul' music from the early 90s)
Invent crazy life theory
Cook dinner
Think about YOU!
Watch TV / DVD
Dream of a. Zach b. Jack Morton c. Jeremy Jordan lookalike ex bf

I will admit that my short hostel life was vastly different from this as it made me realise the numerous things I take for granted. For example, my bed, whilst being supremely difficult to get in or out of and sit up in, was like sleeping on cold concrete. To be honest I would have preferred to sleep on the floor because at least then you know you're dealing with the floor and not cold concrete pretending to be a mattress. To make matters worse, upon returning to Shane's he decided a bed swap was in order and I'm relegated to sleep on a mattress on the floor. I've laid on this mattress to read before and it seemed perfectly comfortable but upon attempting sleep on it you quickly realise it's just a mess of springs, perfectly placed to stick into all your vital organs, covered by material.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm more than grateful to have a place to sleep at all, but I would seem far less thankless if I actually DID achieve sleep. I'm returning to my old days of insomnia and if it continues I shall be forced to start making soap, reading IKEA catalogues and attending random self help groups.

Being the princess of princess and the pea fame is just totally shit.

I'm going to buy a yoyo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why wont you answer your phone ?

5:29 pm

Blogger Starlsy said...

I do sometimes, just not when you call! Heh, just kidding, but seriously I just keep missing your calls.

12:33 am


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