Sunday 8 May 2005

Friday 6th / Saturday 7th / Sunday 8th May

I've decided to group these days together as the passing of them was unremarkable and frankly my own voice is beginning to bore me. The shininess and excitement of being here is wearing thin and I'm contemplating whether I can make anything of my life in London. I've been spending my days at home, more inside my head than in the world outside, and using menial activities to distract myself from even that. Shortly I shall not only be jobless but homeless and subsequently moneyless as I need to find somewhere to stay for 3 days early next week, returning for 9 days and then again requiring a new abode for a little under a month. I'm pondering, failing finding work within the next two weeks, if I should continue my travels, see what I can see with the money I have left and then come home or whether to try and make do in a cheap hostel and pray that things come right. I've really no idea.


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