Friday 29 April 2005

Wednesday 27th April

Early rise and I'm quite excited about working. However Shane is in the bathroom fussing over his bloody eye so I have to change my schedule a bit. (That night when Shane got home he says to me 'it's a bit of a worry how much time I spend on my eye, I've only just realised' where I assured him it wasn't just a bit of a worry, it was downright disturbing.)

Jump on the overcrowded bus where I got jammed by the doors more than once. What fun. Alight at Chelsea Harbour, a weird little place which seems wrong in London. A large complex resembling a small island on the map which would be more at home on the Gold Coast. In fact, it reminded me quite a lot of Marina Mirage (or is that in Port Douglas? Meh, they're all the same.) Apparently Michael Caine lives at this one.

Upon entering my building I thought I'd fallen through time about 4 years. Arriving as a temp, in an events management company, who this very day was rebranding to their new name change. Precisely how I arrived on the steps of Jack Morton. I was even met by one of the most breathtaking women I've ever seen, much like at Jack (you know who you are). Anyway, the only reason I knew I was still in the present day is because their offices were about 10 times better than ours.

At first I thought I'd come for nothing. There seemed some confusion as, overnight, some office fairy had done the work I was supposed to do. But no, there was plenty of work. Owing to the namechange the 100 or so employees were to receive gift boxes. My job was to assemble said gift boxes, ensure each was specifically tailored to its receiver, by way of shirt sizes and business cards and a dozen little other things. I was actually quite hard work and myself and a few helpers who breezed in and out throughout the day didn't knock off until 7. (Interesting note on this, at one point someone offered the help of a New Zealand boy but the leader of the proceedings decided it would be dangerous to have an Australian and New Zealander in the room. Hmm.)

Despite killing my back I did have some fun and it was really nice to be in a busy office again. So I left my CV, said goodbye to my new acquaintances who replied that they hoped to see me again (I know most people would say that but it felt good nonetheless) and headed home in the sun to arrive in the rain. While Melbourne has four seasons in one day, London (sometimes) has four seasons five times a day.

Went to bed excited because tomorrow is library day and on Monday I can complete my DVD collection to present satisfatcion with Press Gang Seasons 3 & 4 and Garden State. Can't wait.


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