Wednesday 27 April 2005

Monday 25th April

I keep getting these bizarre hunger pains, about 3 times more intense which cannot be sated by actual eating. So this morning I go on a random mission in search of food and phone credit. Luckily the bakery does great chicken rolls.

Apply for a few more jobs and then tube it to East Putney for my agency interview. If the previous agency was hell, this was heaven by contrast (trust hell to have the better office). They're primarily going to find me temporary reception work (one of which I'll find out about tomorrow morning) and where possible, place me in TV or production companies. Hoorah.

On the way home I see a lovely old lady feeding the pigeons, in complete contrast to the time-travelling bus witch from yesterday. I also have another interview lined up for tomorrow with a company who's primary focus is the media industry.

Upon getting home I reread the reference Caroline wrote me a year ago and it truly is the nicest thing someone could ever write about another person and almost made me cry again.

Incidentally, Channel 4 here (their promo team deserves amedal) is running an ad at the moment (similiar to another they've made a couple o years back which I saw over the web in Australia involving a bunch of celebrities swearing) where more celebrities (including the wonderful Zach Braff) talk about the last time they cried. I don't know why but I think about it often. I'll see if I can find a link, but if not, and you can manage to track it down it's definitely worth checking out. Haha, I just found a website totally dissing it. Anyway, I can't find it, but if anyone cares enough their website is


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