Friday 22 April 2005

Wednesday 20th April Part 2

RETURNED - One missing soul.

Well 6 o'clock came and went and my phone did not ring and I felt great. In retrospect this was the best possible outcome and whatever conspired these events obviously had something else in store. So now I'm not forced into a position I don't want, I don't feel bad for what I might have lost by not accepting it, I don't look entirely bad to the agency as I didn't turn down the offer, although I won't ever trust them again, and it shows that lying simply doesn't triumph. I don't feel entirely like a failure as in simple truth I don't have sales or phone experience (and fully never intend to have any) and obviously this showed. HOWEVER, now I feel like a horrible whinger for not being grateful and not wanting to help charities. There's just no winning this Hayley game.

With that in mind I spend my night with Jane Eyre.

On another note entirely, Shane appears to have found us a house, which was much needed as Craig is going to Australia soon and bringing their father back, and it would not do to house us all in that tiny room. It's 10 mins more south than where we are, has new furniture, 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms, and a view, for roughly £400 pound each a month. Which is incredulous in Australian terms but is a relatively good price on London soil. Fingers crossed that all goes well there.


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