Thursday 5 May 2005

Saturday 30th April

Washing day. It's packed and shit and I can't be stuffed but it always feels good when it's done. Decide we should investigate Harrods today so we jump on a bus which fast seems to be becoming my new mode of transport, as much as I despise them, and head for Knightsbridge, the home of Harrods. I don't know why but I expected it still to be based in the 1920s but it was much like Myer Melbourne or Daimaru. It had some weirdly Egyptian themed rooms which I thought belonged more in a casino, not being able to make sense of why exactly it was there. But the food halls were great (not to be confused with food courts). Who doesn't love shopping for fresh produce in a market? I get all excited by them even if I rarely buy anything.

On good advice we bought a dozen assorted Krispy Kreme donuts and some bakery treats. Look at a few other things but there's not too much worthy of mention. Shane bought a French book to accompany our course and the Ramones doco DVD.

Get the greatest bus driver in the world home. Cracking jokes and generally being a very nice chap. He even let off a passenger at the ATM and waited for him while he got some money, watched in anticipation by the whole bus. There were even claps and cheers when he got back on.

Where we got off Kylie was about to start performing in the stadium and it was most amusing spotting her fans a mile off.

Also, being a warm day, instead of drinking in pubs, the patrons tend to flock to the footpath and stand about on the street which I thought rather odd.

Got home, watched some interesting show on the history of music videos and that, I think, is that.


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