Sunday 8 May 2005

Monday 2nd May

Today is the day of the Comics Convention in Milton Keynes. Sunday would have been the better day to go but as Shane was working we resigned ourselves to missing the best guests and going today instead. (Full guest list here:

We boarded our bright orange mini bus at Baker Street (home of Sherlock Holmes) and after a brief drive through the country with canola fields a-plenty we arrived at the shopping centre it was to be held in, which appeared to be not quite the largest I've ever seen but certainly the most spread out. It felt like you had to walk a mile to get anywhere. When we finally got there it was like toy heaven. Rows and rows of stalls selling toys and comics and autographs. We snuch a peak at some of the "stars" - the most interesting to me being Boysy from Only Fools and Horses, Dean Stockwell from Qantam Leap, Alan Cummings from X-Men and Corin Nemec (now who didn't love him in Parker Lewis Can't Lose - and is much cuter in person). Tried to see James Marsters (Spike) but he was all barricaded off from general view and I couldn't be bothered paying £20 for the 5 second privilege of meeting him although we did have a good laugh at the woman over the PA referring to Buffy as "Buffet".

Took a break from it all to look at DVDs instead - finally bought Garden State, hooray. Had some lunch and then went back to purchase toys. (Also checked out the real Chitty Chitty Bang Bang which was being displayed instore.)

Ended up buying the vampire from Nightmare Before Christmas (£5) and a ten inch tin toy robot (he's great) for £10 from a normal store in the shopping centre. Couldn't resist.

Chatted to the stallholders about random things. Bumped into Alan Cummings wandering around, flanked by security guards. Then sat about for an hour or so for our bus back to London. I decided on the way back that I rather like the northside of London (best part of any town I reckon). Didn't do much after this but laze about with Donuts and watch GS.


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