Sunday 8 May 2005

Thursday 5th May

I've lost my purple pen which makes this diary I write in look very boring. Today I woke up early to a phone call from my agency saying they can't pay me as temporary insurance numbers are no longer being used. God knows why. This should be rectified in the 6 weeks (!) it takes to get a permanent one.

Went up to the net for a good few hours to peruse the 50 or so job sites on my list. Decided to apply for only three. Best not to take the overkill approach in future. However, also listed with about my 15th agency. Point being - I am bloody trying.

Have decided all cashiers in this city are weird. No reason really - they just are.

Played Playstation for more hours than I care to talk about, then spent the evening drafting job letters for my chosen three. One of these is at Shane's hospital as a receptionist. Filled out the 6 or so pages only to make a mistake in the last paragraph and had to write it all again. I'm quite surprised I'm still able to write at all after that effort.

It's election day today. I say go for the trifecta of crap national leaders and bring back Blair. Plus, I couldn't bear to have another Prime Minister in the world called Howard. (Plus he looks mean.) I tell you what though, their election coverage is actually really, really entertaining. It's almost like a parody of itself which is just what politics needs I reckon. (Now that I've write that it's just got really boring.) Anyway I'm tired. Sweet dreams.


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