Wednesday 18 May 2005

Random Thoughts

Don't take RAGE and Triple J for granted. I miss them terribly. My head's been a bit weird lately. I keep getting seriously lost in daydreams and starting to place great importance on things that didn't seem so important for a long, long time. The other night I had a dream about someone I dated about 13 years ago and the whole next day was all in love with him, more so than I ever was at the time. (He looked like Jeremy Jordan - It's the right kind of love.)

I love this time of day when the sun is shining its very hardest for the last time before it begins to fade. (A little before magic hour). And then Mr Moon comes again. Haha aren't I clever! (I was trying to sneak in a reference without it being obvious, that was until I made it particularly obvious by pointing it out and now don't feel clever at all - and since there's only one person in the world who will understand that comment I'll just shut up now.)

Oooh, I have randoms leaving messages on my blog about Zach Braff (much appreciated by the way). For those who wonder what this obsession is all about:
There's also a link on the sidebar there ------------------->

I've now changed the comments section so everyone can post and not just registered users.


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