Wednesday 18 May 2005

Monday 16th May

I might pick up again today as my dreary life has been thrown into a little chaos. Rose early after very little sleep and prepared for my brief homeless adventure. Booked a room with one of the hostels down the street (I fear my first choice may have burnt down as when I strolled past it yesterday there was all sorts of ruckus going on). Loaded up my backpack for the very first time and had much trouble walking with it as I couldn't get the shoulder straps tight enough. Had to walk very precariously down the street in fear of falling backwards. It's such hard work walking with one of these things! Booked in only to find some girls were supoed to swap rooms today and I was to replace them - but they've mysteriously disappeared...

I was all prepared to be cheerful and meet people but on entering the kitchen for a glass of water my friendly smiles were met with unnerving glares so I left as quick as I could. Far from the welcoming backpackers in Byron Bay, this was cramped and dreary as you'd expect from London.

At about this time I was expecting a phone interview with a media company so I trotted up to my temporary room to take it. Up until this point I was scared I'd have nowhere to take it which is a little depressing when you find you don't have a square metre of space in all the world to call your own. I'm truly horrible in interviews - I just can't think quick enough of sell myself particularly well so I've no idea how it went. I fear this may prove one of the hugest drawbacks in me ever finding work here.

After this I was quite keen to escape the scary backpackers so I headed to the net cafe for more hours than I needed. Grabbed the Guardian as I've FINALLY discovered it has media jobs on Mondays (Thanks G!). Up until this point I had no idea what papers to get to look for jobs.

Went back to my room and read a bunch of crap in a futile attempt to make the day go faster and considered 100 times running back to Shane's place and begging them to let me stay. Sad really. So now I'm sitting on the floor writing this waiting for the rightful owners to claim my room (I say 'my' as it's only a 2 bed and I'm moving to a 6 bed and I don't want to give it back.)

Inspired by some very friendly girls I met who taught me some of the insider knowledge I attempted to kitchen for dinner but again was scared to death and lacking a place to sit and the scariest oven I've seen in my life I think eating is far too difficult and am hoping I am not forced to starve. (DRAMA QUEEN).

Now I'm alone in my 6 bed dorm wondering what the hell everyone does around this place at night. It's an impossible mission to get in or out of this middle bunk and I'm hoping I don't break my neck.

(I've just witnessed the scary girl in the room I was warned about...

Overheard conversation:

Nice girl: How was your day?
Mean one: Oh, don't ask.
Nicey: What what happened?
Mean girl (in mean tone): It's just a stupid question and I hate answering it. It's pointless.

She also completely ignored my presence which I thought rather rude (BITCH!) )

Around 9 I figured I'd give the kitchen one last shot and managed to find one chair in which to eat my utterly disgusting pot noodles while everyone else seemed to be eating 3 course feasts. I was privy to a conversation about 'cocks' from a bunch of ugly girls listening to Metallica on their laptop. Oh, the pain!

Got so very, very little sleep. Had a pillow as high as a skyscraper and a couple of people decided to move in after midnight. The fun and games of hostels huh!


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