Tuesday 31 May 2005

Thursday 26 May


Got 10 minutes here so I'll write quick and reply to your emails and stuff later. I'm just about to go to work and I have to say your post Peter was hilarious and has made me feel much better about going.

Anyway, backtracking a few days. If you can just pretend it's last Thursday with me....

Today Shane's father and brother arrived back from Egypt so I was turfed out again into the big wide world. I decided to move to a guest house in Stamford Hill primarily because you get your own room with fridge, TV and sink and it's pretty much the same, maybe even a bit cheaper than sharing a dorm in a hostel. The only problem being that it's about an hour away from my new job whereas before I was only 3 minutes away. Typical really.

Go my first cab and in fact it was the first time I'd even been in a car in London. Scary stuff. I don't think my nerves would be able to cope with driving here. It appears the English have not learnt to indicate.

When I arrived I had quite a bizarre "interview" with Jim who runs the place. Lovely chap if not a bit full on. Again my new room wasn't free so he stuck me in a double for the day. This pretty much pissed me off because I couldn't unpack or go buy groceries and bored myself to death watching TV and had a lump of cheese, a spoonful of peanut butter and some cereal for dinner. I was also freaking out cos the kitchen had barely any utensils in it. But I was surprised because apparently there's 60 people living here and I didn't see one of them all day.

Never heard anything from Jim (apparently he knocked but I must have been asleep) so I got to sleep in a lovely big double bed which was quite a change. Had bad dreams though so it was all rather bittersweet.

Anyway, much more to add but I gotta scoot. Zooooom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gidday Hayley ... Glad that you got a chuckle out of my message... It was meant to be serious though!!!!

I know what it was like when I was travelling and sometimes it was so good just to be able to get some sort of message from "home" Don't know if that's how it is with you from time to time but the great thing about this new century is that someone like me can allow you to "plug into the mothership" and not disturb your space too much. This sort of communication is so much less intrusive than a phone call and in most instances we usually don't make "the call" but find it quite easy to pen a few words instead.
I don't know what that says about the human Phsyce ( spell check???) .... maybe you should ask one of the Hospital phsycologists ( spell check again!!) when you are next in the lunchroom. You will find them easy to recognise as they are usually dressed in brown ( the new century "black"!!)with a tweed jacket, they will have a plastic lunch box that they will be eating out of and they dunk their biscuits into their very weak cup of tea!!

Hope that the new job is up to expectations ( you WILL look back on it as a turning point in your life!!!) and my advise is that if you haven't been asked out by a HOT , good looking intern doctor after 10 days , then GIVE IT AWAY!!!!

Your Dad thinks I am in the office over the weekend doing important work so I had better get back to this work I guess!!! I am worried about him at present because his beloved Lions are going to shit and he has seemed to have lost his usual zest for life ( It might have more to do with Koda chewing up everything she finds in the house!!!) But "horror of horrors" happened on Friday when FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER , your Dad DIDN"T pick the Lions to win in the office tipping competition!!!! I have now put him on a special suicide watch over this weekend so maybe you should fly home at the first opportunity and tell him that everything will be allright!!!

As a final note ... is living over there just like we see it on "Little Britain" ( Marylyn's and my absolute favourite program)??

Best of luck Macca

11:59 am


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