Thursday 26 May 2005

24th May

Write more later but got a job today at Shane's hospital as an 'Outpatients Services Officer' which by the sounds of it means I get to deal with sick abusive people all day. What fun.

Went for an interview afterwards for a much better position, again I'll detail more later, but I really want it so send me good thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gidday Hayley ... You're Dad gave me your website address when I asked how you are going on your " Excellant Adventure" ( you know how he is a man of few words!!!) remember me ? I am the bloke who has been a challenge in your Dad's life for so many, many years and no matter how hard he tries I simply keep coming back ( like the perverbial "cat"!!)
I am certainly interested on how your trip is going as it may help to prepare me for my two teenage daughters and their adventures that I feel are just about to hit !!! They have both dissapeared down the tunnel of adolesence and I hope to wave "hello"to them when they come out the other end ( whenever , THAT will be!!)

Anyhow , I think you should view the 'Out patients Services Officer" position as an exciting and very positive position. I have watched ER quite a lot and from what I have been able to make out the Out Patients Services Officer gets asked out by all the hot doctors ( AND the "not Gay" male nurses) and they are the person that seems to ALWAYS put some deeper meaning into each episode with their very " common sense" comments on life. They also seem to be the one who knows EVERYTHING about the secret lives of everyone in the hospital. So, going on this experiance, maybe you have judged the position a little hastily Hayley!!!

Well I had better get back to what your Dad has employed me for ...he is a little down today as his beloved Lions went down ( again!!) on the weekend AND he didn't have a good weekend with his footy tipping!!!
He really does need to get out in the world more!!! .... stop wasting his time with Big Brother and take in some Little Britain to widen his view of the world!!!! Best of luck in your job hunting and your search for that elusive "extras" spot!!!!

Peter Mcintosh

11:56 am


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