Tuesday 28 June 2005

June 28th 2005

Hi, just to let you know I had my mobile phone stolen out of my bag on the weekend so until I get a new one there is no way to call me. I am still able to check voice mail though as whoever has it has left the sim in it for the time being.

Will try and write soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess that's why you couldn't answer it when we tried to call at the traditional after fishing trip bbq!!!

2:29 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hayley

I hope you're safe and well and haven't been affected by the bombings.

I don't have your parents phone no. or anyone elses so please please please let me know that you're ok.

Love you

9:55 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle

Hayley is OK. We heard from her late last night after trying to ring her for hours! She was on a train after the ones affected by the bombs. It took her 3 hours to get to work but she arrived safely. I've left her new mobile number at home - but I'll post it here tonight. Hayley's Dad.

8:53 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hayley,
glad you are ok. i sent you a txt forgetting you had your phone stolen. keep safe.

11:30 am

Blogger Starlsy said...

Hello everyone. Yes I am alive! Hooray! Promise to post ultra soon if not tonight if I get some time after replying to your emails. I have emailed everyone my phone number - if anyone didn't get an email from me just let me know and I'll send it to you.
Thanks for your post dad - and just a quick tip - don't go posting my number on the internet!
And Michelle! You're alive! I thought I'd lost you.
Kisses all round.

3:49 am


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