Saturday 9 July 2005

Tuesday 21 June

It seems I have a little time on my hands (and finally discovered a computer at work that connects to the internet) so I figured it was as good a time as any to update all the posts I've written but not typed up yet.

On this day three weeks ago I wrote...

Am starting to get a bit over London. All the necessary things are just far too difficult, except for the tube which I think is rather good despite everyone loving to have a whinge about it (Note from future self - this opinion of mine is now null and void.)

I went to see the Cat Returns (film) on the weekend which, if you like Stduio Ghibli films is just as good as the others. I've been desperately trying to buy some jackets but being summer this is near impossible. London doesn't really have shopping centres and all the shopping high streets seem to have the exact same chain of stores. Fear I may have to pay Camden a visit to pick up anything non mass produced.

Am getting desperately sick of living in this hostel place. It was fine when I knew I'd be able to move out of it but now with nowhere to go it's driving me a bit nuts. For some reason it's incredibly difficult to find hourses for rent in the areas I want to live unless I pay upwards of £60 to get a company to look for me. Another backwards things about London - rental agencies charge the person who's looking rather than the person who's leasing which seems utterly stupid to me considering its the property owners raking in the cash and can actually afford a small fee to list. And lastly, the other main thing that has been bothering me if the need of every potential employer to get two references for you and written ones don't count. It's just annoying that you have to keep bothering people to provide references for you in the endless tirade of job seeking. There's only so much a person can take, particularly when they have their own job to do.

I made the huge mistake today of going to the Marks and Spencer food hall. I just about died and went to heaven in the dessert section. I've decided that sometime when I have more money I have to buy a weeks worth of food from there just for the hell of it despite the high prices. I'm thinking of skipping dinner and going straight to the raspberry cheesecake I bought.

Point of interest for today - did you know that to apply for an Australian visa you have to have a full bloodtest and chext x-ray which isn't cheap and you're required to book about a month in advance. Much more difficult than getting a British visa.

I gave this boy who works in the kitchen at the hospital my phone number the other night. He's quite cute but doesn't speak English very well. He just sent me a text saying 'u was look nice today' awww.

I've discovered the English equivalent of 'how you going?' is 'are you okay?'. Ay least with 'how you going' you can answer with something slightly interesting but with 'are you okay', unless you've just been mauled by a runaway tiger which would most likely warrant a different question, you can only answer 'Yes'. I've no idea how to answer this question properly as I fear there's a trick to it despite being asked about 50 times a day. It's so menial but I find it quite unnerving.

I'll finish by saying to the lovely people who have been leaving hilarious messages on my phone, I keep missing your calls due to being at work but I promise I'll try and call you soon. (NB. This was prior to me losing my phone.)

Thanks to drunken Wes for the call. I see what you mean about Sara Gilbert - let's never have children together.


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