Saturday 9 April 2005

Friday April 8

Leaving the house today was much more difficult than usual due to my discontent the previous day but the ticket man at the Tube was nice to me so I felt all shades of better. Then on my Tube changeover on my way to Tate Britain I am accosted (I just discovered this word can mean solicit for sex funnily enough) again by these strange pariahs who latch onto innocent women. This one decides hes going to tag along with me for the day even though I didnt even tell him where I was going. I tell him this is a stupid idea so he tries to get my number. I tell him I dont know mine and he tells me he doesn't know his (and Im thinking - I know this trick buddy, Ive got YOUR number - thank you cynical voice for not disappearing this time) so he organises to meet me at the exact spot that same night to go to a 'disco'. On my way home I purposely avoid this station altogether, despite it taking me a number of stations out of the way, because these scary men are beginning to get to me.

So ANYWAY at the stop for Tate Britain I get lost (as usual) partly because I'm stupid and partly because Im afraid scary man is trailing me. The Gallery is rather nice, as galleries go. Lots to look at, as one would expect. I think the most famous thing I see is The Lady of Shallot by Waterhouse and nothing else there I've ever seen before (except on a doco about the Turner Monet Whistler exhibition on TV a few days before). Mostly Turners and Constables and various paintings from the 1500s to 1900s. All rather lovely; lots dealing with greek mythology which is right up my alley at the moment. Then off to the Modern part of Tate Britain in which I despise every single piece of work there. I just cant see beyond the shit which most of this stuff is. I'm not quite sure what this says about me as I usually love modern art but I put it down to two things. 1. All the great modern art MUST be at Tate Modern and 2. this stuff can hardly compare with beautiful landscapes and portraiture spanning the last 400 years in which Id previously been immersed.

It is absolutely *$#?ing freezing today and bloody raining and so I freeze all the way home, am currently freezing AT home because these two insist on having a window ('the' window) open 24/7.

Then we watch some DVDs, everyone is whinging at me for watching too much TV so I wont tell you what... *smile*.


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