Another two months goes by and I’m still yet to put pen to paper. So, although I have nothing to report I feel I should add something as its due.
I had a very boring festive season. I spent Christmas with some friends from work. Felt like grownups actually having to cook our own Christmas meal and not relying on our families. It was an odd bunch of people, including two Muslims who aren’t even supposed to celebrate Christmas but it was better than being alone.
New Years Eve I spent in bed!
I’m trying to be very conscientious this year and have started collating a travel book of all the places I want to go and all the things I should see when I get there. It’s just a glorified version of my compulsive list making but its helping me to get motivated.
I am going to Morocco for a week in the last week of January which will be sorely needed. I’m not depressed or anything just feeling a bit flat about everything. I imagine this is what it feels like to be on antidepressants. Maybe someone is sneaking them into my tea. I think it’s because I feel I have some decisions to make and I’m not sure where to start. Was never my strong point. Just read The Alchemist (finally) and think I should learn to meditate or something to tap into those inner resources! Anyway, anyone who feels the compulsion to give advice then let me be your subject! Best if you’ve already done this little trip to Europe but not essential.
Anyway stay tuned for Moroccan adventures. Don’t touch that dial!