Thursday 28th April
So off to the library it is. Get blown off track on the way as the wind is fierce but I was surrounded by flying petals so it seemed somewhat more poetic than it actually was. I've decided on a library routine. Six books max, three english classics, one america, one lighthearted or contemporary and one no-fiction of an area that interests me (a book on chaos theory was this week's choice). As Shane and I have decided to learn French I also grabbed an 'Introducing French CD pack. Ooh la la. (The cheeky bastard has been sneakily learning it on his walkman to get ahead of me ever since.)
Off to Boots (pharmacy) for new shampoo as Pantene is the worst product ever devised and I cannot bear it any longer. Without understanding a word of the cashier I somehow managed to leave the store with a membership card and my purchase for half price.
Head to the netcafe and on a whim look up comics conventions and find there's one on this weekend including Spike, Giles and Wesley from Buffy about an hour out of London which I will make my best efforts to attend. The comiccon is also in a month and will be held 5 mins walk from my house. How bloody exciting.
Also have an email from a job I applied for asking me to meet with them at 5pm tomorrow. If the woman had offered anymore information than merely that request I might have been able to make it, but as it is I think I best call her next week and try and reschedule.
Get an unexpected call from Australia from a budding filmmaker who I shall be proud to know one day apparently.
Then I just read, read, read and already finish one of my library books (Diary of a Nobody - much like this in fact) which puts me in mind that if I ever find that old lady's time machine I'll go back to her time, ride about on penny farthings and write famous classics, directly ripped of from their authors before they get the chance. Jane Eyre shall be my first being the most read book in the universe and aptly was penned under a fake name so Charlotte Bronte will never suspect *evil laugh*.
Anyway it's now 10:30pm, I could have sworn it was midnight and I have a doco on the Bermuda Triangle to watch.
So I bid you adieu.